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Cleanup Status: Interactive Maps

After marking thousands of trees and staging heavy equipment in snow and rain, cleanup work is ramping up across the state. Following work with the Environmental Protection Agency to remove hazardous waste and other items from more than 2,000 properties, Oregonians may see crews cutting and stacking hazard trees near roadways, clearing ash and debris from wildfire impacted homes and businesses, or testing soil to ensure environmental safety as debris cleanup work continues to intensify this month.

Track what’s happening in your area or around the state by using our two online interactive tools.

Address Lookup Map

Type in your unique access ID in the address lookup map to see the status of your property, as well as what documentation we have on file for you. Look for your access ID in the email or letter the task force sent you in December 2020.

County Snapshot: Crews Look Ahead Map

The second is a “look ahead” tool that predicts where our cleanup crews will be, up to three weeks in advance. It’s still too early in the process for us to make accurate predictions just yet, but as work ramps up, we'll be able to predict timing and locations.



Wildfire waste and debris removal

The State of Oregon is working with federal, state and local partners to remove hazardous waste, and ash and debris from the 2020 Oregon wildfires safely, efficiently, and as quickly as possible. The Oregon Departments of Transportation, Environmental Quality and Emergency Management are leading the effort, with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency assistance.

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