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Video: Corona Family after Almeda Drive Fires

Hear Jocksana Corona’s touching story about how Oregon’s Labor Day 2020 fires impacted her and her family.

In this video, good neighbor Jocksana Corona, tells her family's story about being alerted to the Ashland Fire and the harrowing experience of looking for pets and warning other neighbors of the pending evacuation.

Jocksana Corona had a heightened concern when she observed the extreme winds in her neighborhood. Shortly after she received an alert about the extensive fire in Ashland. Jocksana astutely notified her Spanish-speaking neighbors and decided to evacuate.

After evacuating her home, she and her family relocated three times and were eventually temporarily-housed in the Girl Scouts’ Medford Center allowing them to stay with their pets. Her own daughter is a long-time girl scout and appreciated the use of the facility as a home base.

As she tells her story, Jocksana reflects on the benefits of having insurance and the heartbreak of those living near her without it. She and her neighbors face many issues, and she observes those without insurance face compounded challenges.

Although her family has lost their home, she is feeling positive about rebuilding her family’s life together. Through this tough and challenging experience, Jocksana talks about her message of hope based on watching her community working together for everyone’s benefit and safety.



Wildfire waste and debris removal

The State of Oregon is working with federal, state and local partners to remove hazardous waste, and ash and debris from the 2020 Oregon wildfires safely, efficiently, and as quickly as possible. The Oregon Departments of Transportation, Environmental Quality and Emergency Management are leading the effort, with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency assistance.

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