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Hazard tree removal work begins on Marion County roads, parks

The Beachie Creek/Lionshead Fire — the largest 2020 Labor Day fire — burned an astonishing 402,274 acres, mostly in Marion County. Debris Management Task Force crews have been working since January to assess and remove nearly 19,000 dead and dying hazard trees that threatened the safety of homesites and travelers within a 40-mile stretch along the OR-22 corridor.

As hazard tree removal along OR-22 nears completion, the Task Force has entered into a contract change order with K&E Excavating, headquartered in Salem, to complete hazard tree removal along Marion county-maintained roads and rights of way.

Over the next few weeks, Task Force-contracted arborists will be assessing wildfire-damaged trees and marking dead or dying trees along county-maintained roads. The health of each tree will be assessed, even those that may have been marked for removal during earlier tree assessments. Healthy trees will be left standing.

Tree removal will only occur within Marion County rights of way, in county parks and on those private parcels that have opted into the state’s hazard tree removal program.

If you are a property owner who has submitted a Marion County Right of Entry agreement for hazard tree removal and you need specific information regarding tree assessment on your individual property, please call our wildfire debris cleanup hotline at 503-934-1700.

For more information on wildfire recovery in Marion County, visit their website.



Wildfire waste and debris removal

The State of Oregon is working with federal, state and local partners to remove hazardous waste, and ash and debris from the 2020 Oregon wildfires safely, efficiently, and as quickly as possible. The Oregon Departments of Transportation, Environmental Quality and Emergency Management are leading the effort, with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency assistance.

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